Sass Brown levele
Sass Brown az alábbi levéllel köszöntötte egyesületünket az Első Globális Fenntarthatósági Divathét után:
It takes time, dedication and commitment to make an event happen like the first Global Sustainable Fashion Week being held in Budapest this April. With the goal of promoting sustainable fashion across the sector to a variety of different stake holders, the program is set to be truly ground breaking. The combination of a conference, workshops, displays and a fashion show, will I hope appeal to a broad base of attendees, sparking interest and engagement. One of the problems so many of us deal with in the ethical fashion space is preaching to the converted, so new venues, new voices and new perspectives are vital to continue, and broaden this dialogue.
The conference aims to share knowledge and ideas in an effort to support others ‘greening’ their fashion industries, as well as simply seeking more ethical consumption options. With a range of representatives from around the world, this may be one of those moments in time when the coming together of different entities can collaborative make a difference and move the sustainable fashion agenda forward. Topics covered at the conference range from material sourcing, to the marketing of a green business, allowing for the sharing of valuable content for all attendees. I applaud the efforts of Dr. Gabriella Manyi-Walek and her dedicated committee in their vision, and sheer hard work, to make this dream a reality, and wish I was there to share it with you.
– Sass Brown
”Be the change you wish to see in the world / Mahatma Gandhi /
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